Marketing the cannabis business creatively and effectively in a highly regulated industry has been challenging for years. The cannabis industry and social media did not work well, and the users were doubtful about sharing cannabis-based content over the social media platforms, but now the recreational marijuana is making headlines in all sectors, including finance, health, wellness, cosmetics, and fashion.

However, things are still a bit messy even after various states have legalized and allowed cannabis for recreational and medical purposes. There are strict rules and guidelines related to cannabis marketing. This makes it important for the sellers and the business owners to work with a highly qualified and experienced consulting service to manage cannabis social media platforms. Here, we can help you better with our advanced approach and systematic format.

Cannabis & Social Media Regulations:

Companies associated with the cannabis industry tend to follow all the regulations while promoting their business over social media platforms. There is a full scale of these restrictions with which the cannabis business owner should be aware of. Have a Look!

No Direct Advertising Of Cannabis Over Social Media Platforms:

Cannabis sellers cannot market their products online due to various guidelines like direct promotion of drugs or medicinal products on Facebook and Instagram is not allowed. Though Facebook’s policies did not specifically mention CBD as banned from the site, advertisers have reported warnings and even account terminations over their direct promotions.

As per the market reports, Facebook may have relaxed this restriction on topical products, but the Prohibited Ads policy restricts that ads cannot promote activities or promote products that are illegal or are surrounded by deemed regulations, which includes cannabis advertising.

Most importantly, Facebook and other social media platforms do not allow the sale of drugs and other related purposes. This prohibition of social media sites on cannabis marketing made it difficult for owners to promote their products. However, when we work with advanced marketing strategies to help the complicated businesses with social media, we craft our plans under regulations and use the unique approach, including images, and videos to build up audience organically.

Online marketing is an affordable platform for the cannabis business owners as with the social media sites; the business can reach up to a huge range audience.

Moving on, states are taking their step ahead to provide relaxation to the cannabis industry, but still, social media sites have prohibited the promotion of cannabis because the Federal Government has not passed the relaxed policies till now. This is why consulting with our highly qualified team can help you to make your social media presence easily without disrupting any law. We are one of the leading cannabis marketing companies that work for all cannabis-based marketing.

Best Ways To Develop A Cannabis Marketing Plan For Social Media:

Around 76% of consumers have purchased a product they have seen in a social media post. Even around 44% have purchased items they have seen on a brand’s social media post. These statistics come from several studies and reputed articles, and these values show how social media marketing is important to any business, specifically for your cannabis industry.

However, promoting cannabis products directly on social media is not that easy, but developing some unique and effective marketing plans can be a better way to make a mark on social media channels. We develop and implement ideas considering all the Farm Bills guidelines and prohibited policies to ensure we only work with organic solutions and not with any disruptive plans. It also involves knowledge awareness of the industry’s regulations. We keep all the false claims away from the advertising.

Working with right and organic strategies is our agenda, and we never let our beliefs down by falling for any fake services. Our consultant can give you a glimpse of our working plans and effective results!

Choose The Right Cannabis Marketing Company  

When this million-dollar cannabis market is breaking new ground, you cannot take the risk with low-quality marketing strategies. The cannabis business is one of those businesses where the owner has to struggle with a number of laws, legality issues, and other strict guidelines.

Due to many restrictions placed on the advertising of cannabis companies and brands, experience, knowledge, and creativity are a must with its marketing. And here, choosing the experienced professional who is well established in the marketing industry and is aware of all the norms that should be followed in cannabis marketing is important.

Our team of qualified online marketers can build strong marketing plans that attract visitors and leads towards your cannabis business. “Trust us- we work to turn your dreams into reality.”